Thursday, 15 July 2010

I have another new home

Well I found out what was wrong with mum. She had an operation on the 14th June no wonder she was anxious.

Last night I was placed in a grey plastic carry box. I had been in this nearly a year ago. I wondered where I was being taken. Please please not the RSPCA Centre yet again.

I was carried in the box on Mum's lap in our car. I don't mind the car journey Mum always makes sure I am ok at intervals during the journey.

The car stops and I wonder where I am going Mum carried me into the new building. What am I going to find? I am placed in the front room in the box until the various things that were in the car for my needs have been unpacked and placed in their positions.

Then finally I am released. I immediately spy my scratching post and toys. I pounce on it and scratch it. Then I find the rug. Oh boy this is loose and not secured by furniture like it was in the old home. Now it is it front of the fire.

Next I creep through the living room door and find my way around. Oh wow food is down for me already and water. Next I explore another room and find my litter tray. Everything I need is here.

I then jump on mum's lap purring loudly.

I have more space and freedom to roam. I keep miaowing to go outside but to no avail mum is stubborn and won't let me go. I wonder when I will be able to go out.

Meanwhile I will play with the rug. This morning I got my claws in it and managed to wrap myself up in it. Mum laughed when she saw me rolling around wrapped up in the rug. Good job no video camera was around or else it would have been sent into a tv programme LOL.

Oh well another night to settle down for.

Goodnight everyone.

Miaow from Missi.

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