Monday, 5 October 2009

Not my Day

I mewed to go out this morning. I really wish I hadn't as there was wet damp stuff in the air. I set foot outside determined to explore. Oh dear the wet damp stuff got all in my fur. I really don't like it, but I wanted fresh air.

A couple of minutes out in the cold in the damp was enough for me. I have decided I don't like the damp wet stuff dripping from the sky. Now I know when they say it is raining you won't like they are right. I am now sulking on the top of my scratching post trying to dry out. YUCK.

I think if I was to try and get on mum's knee it wouldn't be very comfortable and I would make her wet too. So I am going to sulk until I feel better. GRRR.

At least the house is warm and I am safe now.